Now, let me start off by being frank with you.
If you currently have issues when it comes to meeting, attracting, and dating women, absolutely NO DATING TIPS OR ADVICE will help you if you skip the most important part, which is understanding how your PSYCHOLOGY works – understanding where real confidence comes from.
These days, I see so many websites, and so called “PUA’s” (what a silly term) preaching all these techniques and magic “pick up lines” to men that have so many deeper rooted confidence issues and fears related to rejection, approaching, socializing, etc… And, its no surprise why many of these guys never end up successful…
Listen, if you want to achieve anything great into your life, not just the average “well, i guess i’ll settle for this” kind of great… But the REAL kind of great that you wish for and deserve, then you need to start making some DRASTIC changes in what you focus on.
Focus only on technique, and all you will get (if anything) is some superficial / artificial result… And if that’s all you want, then don’t waste your time reading the rest of this post. Go study some “canned pick up line” or “PUA method”.
But, if you are the kind of person that wants to REALLY improve your dating life, as well as every other aspect of your life, in ways that you never dreamed were possible… Then stay with me for the next minute or so…
Some call what I’m talking about “inner game”… And I agree with the first part. But definitely not the second.
Your psychology and mind is far from a game. It is what will make you or break you in life…
Women want a man with a STRONG psychology… Not a man with a weak psychology who uses lame pickup lines… Real and lasting confidence stems from a strong psychology, and you cant get that by using pickup lines.
Now, here’s the interesting part though…
Once you do become that kind of person that has a STRONG psychology, and has a great understanding behind the power of the mind… What you say to a woman doesn’t really matter anymore, because it is no longer all about technique…
A man with a STRONG psychology, and real confidence from within can say almost anything to a woman, and walk away successful.
On the other hand, a man with a weak psychology that only focuses on “technique” can only approach a woman and walk away successful by memorizing a word-for-word script, and by acting in a superficial / fake manner, IF HES THAT LUCKY!
Because technique without a strong psychology is like trying to drive a car without tires or gas! You may somehow find a way to roll down the road, but you definitely won’t get far!
So guys, don’t fall into the trap of believing all this “pick up lines” and technique based “seduction methods” rubbish. If you do, you are likely to reach a point where you will really start to feel frustrated and unfulfilled, if your not feeling like that already…
Technique is the last part of the puzzle… And a very small part! So don’t focus on it until you deal with the more important areas first.
Build a strong foundation first. From the ground up…
You can learn how to build that foundation and really understand your psychology, and how to use it to your advantage when it comes to meeting and dating women, as well as any other aspect of your life!
I heard a great saying once, and it went something like this:
“An overnight success usually happens after years of hard work” – Unknown
Now, that doesn’t mean it will take you years to find the woman, or women of your dreams… I can teach you how to do that in a much shorter time frame, but it will take a strong desire for you to succeed, and the ability to consistently focus on the right things, and take the necessary actions.
Leave the so called “technique only methods” for the lame men (more like weasels). If you read this far, I’m sure your not like those kinds of people, and you surely do not want to end up like any of them…
Begin your journey to real, and lasting change when it comes to your dating life, and commit to studying your psychology, and focus on becoming a better person with a strong character… If you do that, you will reach a point where the so called “technique” will not matter anymore… You will be able to approach a woman, say anything – and walk away successful.
That is when you will really begin to understand the power of what I am saying.
Begin your journey today!