Author Archives: Ben Ezra

Living in The Moment
The Magic of Being Present For most of us, living in the moment is just a nice idea – a concept that we tend to think of every now and then, but never follow. Most of us live our lives in fast-forward. We occupy most of our mind, energy, and time with things that don’t…

The A’s & B’s of Great Sex
Going for The Erotic “Home Run” You built enough comfort and attraction and the woman is now in your bed… What now? Where do you begin? What should you do first? I like to think of sex as a nice slow game of baseball. The good games usually consist of good timing, patience, and a…

Why Most Men Will Never Be Successful With Women
Your probably thinking to yourself, what a darn negative way to start an article… Assuming that most men will never be successful with women!? How dare I say such a thing..? Well, let me explain… In this day & age, at least %80 (keeping things conservative) of men that I personally know and meet have…

Dating Tips For Men: “Confidence Comes From Within”
Now, let me start off by being frank with you. If you currently have issues when it comes to meeting, attracting, and dating women, absolutely NO DATING TIPS OR ADVICE will help you if you skip the most important part, which is understanding how your PSYCHOLOGY works – understanding where real confidence comes from. These…

Inception: Entering the Depths of a Woman’s Mind
2 days ago, I decided to go check out this new Leonardo DiCaprio flick that continues to rack up rave reviews all around the world… And to be honest, I’m not really into science fiction movies, so I was not expecting much of it… But to my surprise, this movie did not only exhibit mind-blowing…

Ben Ezra on Mens Room TV Interview Series
Check out this 2 minute video clip of a 40 minute EXCLUSIVE MensRoom TV Interview I recently did for their Season 2 Interviews with Experts Series!
MensRoom TV showcases some really great stuff! You can learn tons of knowledge by checking out their videos at MensRoom TV. You can watch the full 40 minute interview on there…

Ben Ezra on a Daytime Talk Show in Toronto – Rogers TV
Check out this interview I did for Daytime Toronto Talk Show. I briefly talk about why I do what I do, how to build on using humour and playfully tease a woman (I show you an example of what I used to personally say to many women), and reasons why men fear rejection, amongst many…

5 Minutes with: Ben Ezra – Article in Metro News
Hope your having a great weekend guys! If you haven’t had the chance to read the new article published in yesterdays issue of METRO news, where I was asked 5 questions related to my book Modern World Dating as well as my dating tips for men … You can read it here! Article source:

1010 NewsTalk Radio Interview With Ben Ezra
I was recently Interviewed by by 1010 NewsTalk Radio, located in Toronto, and here is some of the behind the scenes footage of the interview! During the interview, I briefly talked about a few important areas when it comes to dealing with women, the top 3 dating tips for men (be congruent, don’t try too…

Dating Tips For Men – “The Approach” Commercial
A little commercial I made testing out my new cam! I think the message of this clip speaks for itself… Always approach women which you find attractive! Within the first few seconds… Without delay and without hesitation! Take Nike’s advice and JUST DO IT. You may be sorry later if you don’t…